Here's what people are saying

about Feel Write Again programs!

If you want to change your life first you must change the way you think. Feel Write Again guides you in that process changing the way you think about life and your inner self. Taking this course is time worth investing.

Judy Dufort

I'm moving more, feel stronger, and have established a moving/writing habit that has stuck with me. There are not enough adjectives to describe this great program."

Jeanette Montgomery

Being in the writing chat rooms made me feel accountable and, therefore, "obligated" to finish. Knowing me, I would have put it off until it was too late if I was alone. So, thank you, Sandra!"

Debra Booton McCoy

Sandra's knowledge, skills, and abilities coupled with her years of experience and approachability make her the perfect coach. I gave her my trust, and I am sure glad I did. I had no idea how much I did not know. I am eating wiser, fitting in workouts, I am a lot less tired and yes I am writing more than I have in years.

-Sally Simpson

What a happy day it was when I took advantage of a one-on-one conversation with Sandra. I knew in the first 30 seconds of the call I could work with her. I immediately signed up for her Fit2Write program. The program covers all aspects of life: mind and body, social and individual, physical and mental. I'm in my 6th week of the program and, with Sandra's encouragement, advice, and guidance in the program I am back to writing daily, getting those stories into documents. I'm feeling fitter and sleeping better than I have in years. Thanks to Sandra's Fit2Write program I'm finally living my retirement dream.

-Jeanette Montgomery

Fit2Write has helped me get fit while keeping my creative projects front and center. I have more energy than I ever thought possible, which has translated to more creative energy. It's turned from me looking at my to-do list and wondering how I'd ever get it all done to finding renewed joy and excitement with all my creative projects. This is pretty incredible, considering I'm a copywriter during the day and writing fiction by night. I honestly wasn't sure I'd ever be able to blend the two. But now? I'm doing more creatively than I ever have before, and I know it's because I'm finally taking care of my body in a way that supports me.

-Jessica Kormos

You are a writer!

My mission is to empower writers to unleash their creative potential by prioritizing their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Together, let's nurture your well-being, enhance your writing skills, and embrace the joy of storytelling.

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